IPEMA Certified Playgrounds
At Kidstuff Playsystems, we are committed to providing safe playground equipment. As evidence of this, our equipment is certified by the International Playground Equipment Manufacturer’s Association (IPEMA). In order to obtain certification, our products were tested part by part to comply with the rigorous safety standards published in ASTM F1487.
Required notice:
In the interest of public playground safety, IPEMA provides a 3rd Party Certification service whereby TUV SUD validates a manufacturer’s conformance to the ASTM F1487 (excluding section 10) Standard Consumer Safety Performance Specification for Playground Equipment for Public Use.
The use of the IPEMA Certification Seal signifies that Kidstuff Playsystems, Inc. has received written validation from the independent laboratory that the product(s) associated with the use of the seal conform with the requirements of ASTM F1487 (excluding section 10).
Check the IPEMA website, www.ipema.org, for a list of Kidstuff Playsystems’ certified products.